Yet Another Kernel Launcher (YAKL) API Documentation

Welcome to the full API documentation for YAKL. Here you will find detailed documentation for all user-facing functions and classes in YAKL. For a more tutorial style introduction, please visit: https://github.com/mrnorman/YAKL/wiki

Not sure where to begin? Try looking at the following links:


Namespaces (A list of all functions and classes in each YAKL namespace)

The yakl, c, and fortran have most of the functionality you will use.


  • Every function decorated with YAKL_INLINE can be called from inside a parallel_for() kernel. If the function is not decorated with that, then it cannot be called from inside a parallel_for() kernel.
  • If you see the [ASYNCHRONOUS] tag in a function's documentation, it means that function launches a parallel_for() kernel on the device asynchronously with respect to host code. Therefore, if you want that work to complete before performing additional host work, you must call yakl::fence(); after the function call.
  • If you see the [DEEP_COPY] tag in a function's documentation, this means a copy of all of the array object's data is being performed. If you do not see this tag, assume it is cheap to perform unless state otherwise.
  • If you see the [NON_B4B] tag in a function's documentation, this means it can lead to non-bitwise reproducible results between successive runs, and you'll need to take extra steps to achieve bitwise reproducibility when you want it.

In each namespace, you'll see a list of classes, types, functions, and variables. Each of these has a brief description, and clicking on the name will typically give more information about that class, type, function, or variable.


Classes (A list of all classes in YAKL)